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2 years ago Botox

How Many Units of Botox for Jaw Clenching?

Excessive and chronic jaw-clenching while asleep – medically known as bruxism – is a disorder that affects more than four million Americans and can cause everything from headaches to sore teeth. And it’s quite easy to see why the condition is so common: stress, anxiety, depression, and even chewing gum can contribute to its development.

Fortunately, there are many preventative measures and treatments available for those suffering with this problem. These range from the simple, such as lifestyle adjustments, to the more invasive, such as Botox injections.

This article will discuss the use of Botox injections to treat bruxism as well as some simple ways to prevent this condition from happening in the first place.

Using Botox to Treat Bruxism

Those who suffer from bruxism may be unaware of the habit, but they will often wake up with headache and neck pain due to the strain on these areas. Bruxism can also worsen other oral conditions, such as gum disease and tooth decay by loosening plaque deposits that accumulate around teeth. 

One option for treating bruxism is Botox injections into the jaw muscles. The drug works by blocking nerve impulses to these muscles, causing them to relax. This also reduces the amount of effort placed on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which can become damaged if teeth are clenched excessively during sleep.

While doctors will use as many as 40 units of Botox in total, patients receiving these treatments often require less than 10 units per session.

The treatment procedure begins with anesthetizing either inside or outside of the mouth using topical anesthesia gel. Next, small needles are inserted into specific points along the jawline where large amounts of muscle mass reside that contribute to clenching and grinding behaviors while sleeping.

After the injections are administered, the patient is usually asked to keep their mouth open for several minutes so that the drug can spread evenly. Bruxism treatments using Botox injections typically last between 3 and 4 months.

Ways to Prevent Bruxism

Do you wake up with a headache, or after a long day are your jaws feeling sore? If so, you may have bruxism. Unfortunately there is no cure for this disorder, but there are multiple treatments available that range from lifestyle changes to medication.

In order to prevent this condition, patients should first try wearing a suitable mouth guard at night to protect against grinding their teeth together during sleep. In addition, there are over-the-counter drugs available that help relax jaw muscles without causing drowsiness.

These treatments usually work for mild cases of bruxism but if symptoms persist following treatment, dental surgery may be necessary for more severe cases.

Here are some simple suggestions that could possibly prevent brusqueness in the first place:

  1. Wear a night guard. A night guard covers your teeth while sleeping and uses soft plastic or rubber materials to cushion against your upper teeth during sleep.
  2. Loosen up your chewing habits. Whenever you chew gum, focus on gently biting down rather than clenching. This will help prevent the build up of excessive force from occurring within your jaw muscles and lead to a decreased risk of bruxism.
  3. Get a massage. Doing so can relax your face and prepare your mind for sleep by focusing it elsewhere besides any problem areas that may be causing you discomfort or pain at night.
  4. See a doctor about medication. There are several prescription medicines that can reduce the effects of bruxism such as antidepressants, muscle relaxers, and sedatives. With so many options available, there is no reason why you should suffer from chronic teeth grinding.

The causes of bruxism are widespread in today’s world: stress, anxiety, or not enough sleep. The use of Botox injections to treat bruxism is increasing because it’s an effective treatment that has few if any side effects.